Jungle Rice is a South Korean entertainment program. This show is a global food and culture exchange show and this show is very popular among many people. The first episode of the show was premiered on 13 August 2024. Recently the show’s name has been trending on social media platforms due to its rating. It is reported that Jungle Rice has kept its No. 1 for six consecutive weeks. Since the news has come on the internet uncounted reactions started hitting the headlines. Now people are curious to know the complete information about Jungle Rice and its rating. Here we have more information about the news and we will share it with you in this article.
As per the report, SBS’s show Jungle Rice’s previous episode aired on Tuesday, 24th September 2024 ranked first in all channels at the same time with 3.5% of household viewership and 1.2 percent of the 2049 target audience. In particular, in the scene where Lee Seung Yoon, a “natural l man” who went on a local jungle ingredient tour, skillfully groomed bamboo shoots, the highest rating per minute zoomed to 4.4%. This show has been entertaining its fans with good content and fans don’t want to skip any single episode of the show. Scroll down to the next page for more information about the show.
On the day of the broadcast, the four “Jungle Rice” left the jungle to dig for ingredients. First, Yui and Kim Kyung name, who went out to sea to get seafood, discovered sea urchin, a high-end component, and began hunting smoothly. The two flourished in hunting sea urchins locally using a skewer and soon succeeded in securing a satisfactory degree of sea urchin, Yui was pierced by a sea urchin throne and finally returned to the ship for medical treatment. Ryu Soo Young and Lee Seung Yoon explored the jungle with locals and set out to discover food components. Don’t forget to read the full article till the end.
Lee Seung Yoon found a big bamboo shoot, and easily groomed the bamboo shoot with his “natural career” and even the residents were engraved by his skillful arrival. The scene gets the most elevated viewer rating of 4.4 percent per minute, accounting for the “best minute.” He discovered a local thing, Garbi (toran), and at that time, Ryu Soo Young who tasted the stem raw for cooking, groaned in discomfort with strange signs in her throat. Ryu Soo Young stated,” He feels like he has ruined asbestos. He thinks there is a thorn-struck in it. He also added, that he went down to the town and stated he ate sugar made from coconut vinegar on the advice of the locals, and his condition improved within 30 seconds of eating. You are on the correct page for more information about the news.
Meantime, Yui met with a doctor to remove the urchin spines. However, the throne did not fall out easily, and Yui selected to apply an ointment that melted the throne instead of cutting and removing it to enter the sea again. Yui stated, “I don’t know why I had a sense of responsibility, but I wanted to catch something,” and headed back to the sea. Yui and Kim Kyung Nam challenged the local style of string finishing to get the fish which is known as Palawan’s delicacy. Kim Kyung Nam succeeded in catching a bungee even though he was ashamed it was his first time fishing in a line. Here we have shared all the details. So don’t forget to watch “Jungle Rice” on Tuesday at 10:20 pm. Stay tuned to us for more updates.