Stage Fighter is a highly anticipated South Korean survival program. This show will feature male dancers from ballet, modern dance, and Korean classic dance genres. Contestants of the show will compete against each other to win the trophy. Now the show’s name has been making the rounds on the internet due to the production presentation. Since the event news has come on the internet it gained massive attention from the viewers. Now many people are curious to know about Stage Fighter and its recent production presentation. In this article, we will cover all the important details about the news. So let’s continue the article.
As per the report, Mnet’s show “Stage Fighter” production presentation was held on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 a the Eliena Hotel in Nonhyeon-dong, Gangnam-gu, Seoul at 11 am and this event was attended by MC Kang Daniel, master and coaches Kim Joo Won, Yoo Hoe Woong, Information Kyung and Choi Soo Jin. Stage Fighter heralds an elegant and brutal class war of male dancers to rise to higher positions. In Particular, the new show has drawn attention as a newly launched program by the production team who have shown Mnet’s mega-hit street dance series such as “Snowpah” and “Smanpah.” Scroll down to the next page for more information about the news.
When asked about the planning preference, CP Kwon Young Chan stated, “There are several talented and amazing K-class dancers in our nation. While Korean dancers have been doing a great job in nations around the world, there are some places that the public does not know. He also added,” Through this “Stepa”, we began the show with the desire to expand our popularity by introducing attractive dancers and certain the fandom of individual dancers to show multiple K-class dancers around the world. ” In this article, you will get the full information about the news.
Some asked what format the program be in. Then producer Choi Jung-nam said, “We obtained the state of class and role that the dance firm currently has to the show,” adding, ‘Dancers are split into three roles: lead, supporting, and group dance, and dancers fight class wars to take on the roles they want.” Every time, it’s a casting audition in front of the mission, so we compete for casting to catch the role. Talented South Korean singer and songwriter Kang Daniel has taken part as an MC in Mnet’s mega-hit street dance series such as Smanpah and Snowpah also worked as an MC in Stage Fighters. Producer Choi also stated the reason for casting Kang Daniel as an MC again, Kang Daniel is also interested in B-boy, but I judged that he has a high knowledge of dance overall as he began dancing based on the genre of modern dance. Read the full article till the end.
In response, the singer Kang Daniel stated, “When he was doing the Street series, he tried to do it like a fight MC. However, this time there are steige and dancers, so he thought he should tone it up. In addition, since there is no live-style competition like a fight, he also changed his tone as if he were talking in a hall in a theater.” Kim Joo-won also participated as a master stating, “He hopes that pure art can get closer to the public through Stage Fighter.”Now many people will be excited to know when Stage Fighter will premiere. So latest show Stage Fighter will be air on Tuesday, 24th September 2024 at 10:00 pm. Now fans’ wait is going to be over as only a few hours left to release the show. Stay tuned to us for more updates.